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Nunnery Wood Primary School


The Local Governing Body is a team of volunteers, who willingly give their time, working with school staff to ensure the best possible provision for children.

At Nunnery Wood Primary School we have a 12 strong Governing Body and a Clerk. Membership comprises of:

                        Clerk to Governors

Co-opted Governor Vacancy

Content coming soon!

Andy McClelland - Parent Governor/Vice Chair 27/02/19 - 27/02/23

 I became a parent governor at Nunnery Wood Primary (NWPS) in April 2019. My two sons both attend the school, and I work as a senior manager for a multinational aerospace company. As a governor my aim will be to use my experience in leadership, management, finances and problem solving to support the Head Teacher and staff to ensure the school strives to continually improve for all its current and future children. The pupils at NWPS should receive a high quality education that enables them to fulfil their potential and gain the best possible experiences from their time at the school. 

Chris Husband - Parent Governor 12.10.22 - 12.10.26

I became a parent Governor at the end of 2022 as I hoped I could add some value to the Governors team, and the school in their aims to continually improve the school and outcomes for the students. I have twins in year 2, and have really enjoyed my start to the role. I am currently an Assistant Headteacher at a school for secondary aged students with social, emotional and mental health issues in Sandwell, and hope to bring some of my experience and knowledge to the table to support Mrs. Higgins and her team. 

Outside of school I love football and have been a referee for 25 years, currently acting as an Assistant Referee on the EFL. I enjoy most sports, eating out and generally trying my best to occasionally be in charge in my household!!!

Rachel Higgins - Headteacher


I have been the Headteacher of NWPS since September 2015 and I am very fortunate to have a Governing Body that is so committed to continual improvement of our school. Doing the best for pupils is at the heart of all decision making and we work hard together to ensure we provide the best education for all children.

Therefore, as part of the Governing Body I provide relevant information, am held to account for actions taken and work with them to effectively self-evaluate our school and consider the impact of the actions that are taken.

Beth O'Sullivan - Co-opted - Term of office 08.06.20 - 08.06.24

I have been a parent governor since July 2016, and sit on two committees (Finance and Staffing and Safeguarding and SEND).  I am also the nominated Safeguarding Governor. I have one son who attends the school. I work for Worcestershire County Council on various data collections within education including the statutory School Census, which is the main data source by which schools are funded by the Department for Education. As a governor, I want to bring my working knowledge and experience to the direct benefit of the school. I care deeply that pupils at Nunnery Wood Primary receive a high quality education that enables them all to reach their full potential, and that they receive the best possible experiences from their time at the school.  


Richard Harding - Parent Governor/Chair - Term of office 3.12.20 - 3.12.24

I have been a parent governor since December 2020 and have been Chair since September 2022, I am also a member of the Finance and Staffing committee.  I have two daughters at the school who really enjoy going.  I come from a commercial finance background, and will endeavour to use my skills and experience to help the school to strive to provide the best quality education and care possible.  Coupled with assisting and supporting the Head Teacher and staff to provide the pupils with a constant improving environment, which enables them to fulfil their potential and gain the best experiences possible of school life.  My utmost goal is to help everyone create a fun enjoyable safe environment, where the children enjoy coming to school.



The Governing Body has three main roles:

  1. to provide strategic direction for the school
  2. to act as a critical friend to the headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school and the school team
  3. to ensure accountability


If you are interested in becoming a Governor or wish to make contact with the Governing Body, please contact the school office:

Telephone: 01905 354154