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Nunnery Wood Primary School

SEND Information


Contacts:     Miss P Anderson - SENCo 

                      Mrs. L Salisbury - SEND and Safeguarding Manager

If you have any SEN Concerns, please contact the School Office to make an appointment to meet with us. Or email

SEND Information Report:  Please click on the attachment below to read about what our school has to offer for SEND. Paper copies are available on request.

SENDIASS  - SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (formerly the Parent Partnership Service)

Worcestershire Graduated Response:

Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy - Access to excellent resources to help with Communication, social skills, turn taking, and routines.

You can also access the resources via the Facebook page: Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy

Hereford and Worcester Dyslexia Association

Autism West Midlands


We asked parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities to complete a questionnaire. (Summer term 2022)

The results will be used to improve SEND provision at NWPS. Thank you to all parents who took part.

Some lovely comments that we received were:

  • We are very happy with the support and information we received from school
  • Happy with everything regarding my son.
  • You always listen and take on board what I say.
  • Fabulous communication and use of strategies to manage behaviour.

What we will do to improve things for you and your child:

  • Produce a SEND at NWPS information sheet, this will be emailed out to all parents. SENCO will update the website and create guidance around the Worcestershire process to share with parents 
  • Make more appointments available to meet with SENCo on parents evenings. This year the SENCO has been released from class commitment therefore capacity at parents evening will increase.
  • Share IPM’s in a timely manner and provide opportunities for these to be discussed. Clear guidance will be shared with parents.
  • Regular half termly dropin sessions with Miss Anderson (SENCO) to ask anything about your child or SEND at NWPS will be re-established in Autumn Term.



This is an informative video about trauma and how it can affect children's brain development: