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Nunnery Wood Primary School

Year 3 Spruce and Sycamore

Welcome to Year 3's class page! The Year 3 staff are:

Teachers - Miss Freer (Sycamore) & Miss Allan (Spruce)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Satchwell, Mrs Gladstone & Miss Smith


Important information:

* Our PE days are Tuesdays (indoor) and Fridays (outdoor). Please keep PE kit in school.

* Y3 will no longer have woodland



Mental Health Week!

We have enjoyed exploring different feelings by creating emotions wheels!

We have participated in activities to support our physical and mental health. We went on a rainbow walk to take in our surroundings and spend time focusing on our senses.




Wow! What a busy Autumn term we have had in Year 3!  Take a peek at our learning...


Year 3 have enjoyed woodland sessions throughout the Autumn term. We have been so lucky to have hot chocolate from Mrs Jackman! The children have enjoyed making dens, climbing trees and completing lots of different activities. 

Snow Day!

Wow - we had a wonderful time in November when it snowed! We ended up linking our writing and other topic learning to the snow because we were so excited! :)



Foundation subjects:


We have enjoyed making bread rolls as part of our cooking unit this term! We have learned lots about the ingredients needed to make bread alongside understanding the different food groups.


In RE lessons, we have focused on Christianity. We have learned lots about Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark and the Bible.

Below, you will see some photos of drama freeze-frames we created to represent the Bible story of Noah's Ark.


In PE, we have been learning gymnastics and dance. Outside, we have learned how to play hockey and handball.


In our PSHE lessons, we have learned about our right to an education. We spoke about what our dream and nightmare schools would look like! We have also learned about relationships with our friends and families.



Our maths topics for Autumn term have been: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.



To help us with our Robin Hood learning, we had actors from the Swan Theatre visit us to provide a drama workshop. We enjoyed learning more about the characters in the Robin Hood story and thinking about different themes of the story.


Setting Descriptions:

As we were learning about forest setting descriptions, we took our learning outside to explore our 5 senses. We enyjoyed going on a scavenger hunt for key vocabulary and hunting for nouns which we could see, feel, hear and touch.


Information Text:



Our Text Map for writing is a kenning! We will be writing our own kennings using this example as inspiration.