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Nunnery Wood Primary School

Year 4 Lilac and Lime


Welcome to Year 4's class page! The year 4 staff are:

Teachers - Miss Jenkins (Lilac) & Miss Allan (Lime)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Satchwell, Miss Cave, Miss Shamreez



Tuesdays - Indoor PE

Thursdays/Fridays - Outdoor PE



The Sea Life Centre, Birmingham:

The trip we have all been waiting for! Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. We consolidated our learning about sustainability and plastic pollution. The children loved seeing the marine life which they have been writing about throughout the term. We had the best day!  Please see lots of photos below from our wonderful trip:



Tri-Golf Tournament:

A group of pupils represented our school by participating in a Tri-Golf tournament at RGS The Grange. Mrs Satchwell, who supervised, said the children behaved impeccably and enjoyed this sporting opportunity. Well done!


EnviroSort Trip:

Year 4 visited EnviroSort - a recycling centre based in Worcester. We had a brilliant time learning from an expert, Jenny, all about why recycling is beneficial for our planet and how we should recycle at home and school. We learned about the machines used in the factory and were amazed at the clever technology used to separate different recyclable materials. Did you know, that if you recycle your newspaper, it becomes a brand-new newspaper in just 7 days? The children had a great time and collected lots of facts which will be used during their geography and English lessons! 

Year 4 Enterprise! 

Miss Allan and Miss Jenkins were SO impressed with the children's entrepreneurial skills during our Enterprise event. We made a total profit of over £400 which the children will use to enjoy a special treat later in the summer term. Well done everyone!

Eid food share

We enjoyed hosting an Eid food share, where our family members visited and we sampled lots of different foods. Before the event, we read a story which explained why Muslims celebrate Eid. Some of the children showed great confidence when sharing with their classes how they celebrated Eid with their families.


We had a fabulous World Book Day in Year 4! We completed lots of reading activities, read with our Reception class buddies, completed a book scavenger hunt and lots more!



One of our favourite topics in Year 4 is our learning about dragons! To kick-start our writing, we were hooked into our learning by creating dragon's eyes made of clay. We spoke descriptively about what our dragons would look like.


In Year 4, we play lots of fun games to help us learn our times tables! We celebrated Times Tables Rockstars by having a "Rockstar!" themed day for Number Day...


AUTUMN 2 - take a look at our learning!

In English, we are learning to write biographies. We have had lots of discussions about inspirational people and spent time reading books from the "Little People, Big Dreams" collection.


We created poppies to represent remembrance day. 


Well done everyone in Year 4 for an amazing piece of writing based on Hogwarts castle! Please read Beth's beautiful setting description below.


In reading, we enjoyed studying a poem with an autumn focus. It was lovely that the children had the opportunity to read and perform the poem outside.


Our current science topic is 'Electricity'. The children have enjoyed getting practical with wires, cells, bulbs, motors and buzzers to create different circuits. 


In Year 4, we challenged the children to create their own maths games. We have been learning about comparing numbers. We are so proud of everybody's effort and the creativity shown by all the children. 

We have had a fantastic start to the autumn term!

The children were asked what their favourite activities have been so far - here is what they said!

  • Roman mosaics
  • Earthquake drill
  • Times tables rockstars 
  • Writing kenning poetry
  • Creating our own circuit games in PE.

Our topic for the autumn term is "Shake, Rattle & Roll!" The main focus for this term are earthquakes and The Iron Man - Ted Hughes. We will also learn about the Romans (we have booked "The History Man" to provide the children with an incredible experience).